Buddy Volunteers Needed Now


Come Be a Buddy!

It’s time to start creating wonderful memories for all.  Details about our
2025 Spring Season are now available.  
  We will need your help in making smiles and memories!

Our Kiwanis Miracle League provides children and adults with physical or mental challenges a safe and spirited environment where they can hit, run, and catch on a baseball field. Children aged five through eighteen with special needs are welcome.  Our adult/senior play is for those 19 and above.  The Kiwanis Miracle League at Principal Park is a place where every player plays on a team–every player hits, every player gets on base, every player scores, and every player wins – every inning! Every player is matched with a “buddy” to help with hitting, catching, fielding, or throwing the ball, and to provide encouragement and assistance as needed.

Kiwanis Miracle League Buddies are volunteers ranging in age from middle school (12) to senior citizens. Buddies provide safety first; they enthusiastically play baseball with their special player; and encourage the player to have fun!  Buddies will receive a brief orientation, commit to the “Buddy Pledge”, and can receive community service credit.

The specific duties of a Buddy are to act as an “Angel in the Outfield” to an assigned player.  Each player will have different abilities and special needs.  We have a new buddy training video!  Please go to our VIDEO page to view.

MANY thanks to the groups and individuals who served as Buddies for our exhibition season in 2008, and our spring and fall seasons in 2009 through 2024.   It takes many hands for these special kids to have a memorable experience at our ball park. 

Here is a fun photo from our 2017 season with a DMPD “buddy”:

Unfortunately, we did not play in 2020 and sponsored very limited play in 2021 requiring no buddies.   But we resumed team play in 2022–played both a spring and fall season.  180+ players played in spring 2023 and around 150 in the fall.  Over 190 played in the spring 2024 season and 155 in the FALL.  Groups, such as church youth groups, HS athletic teams, companies, etc. are always welcome!

Go to our home page and click on the orange volunteer button for steps to sign up for buddying.  This is the ONLY way to register as a buddy. (NOTE: If you are having difficulty with the link, you may need to change browsers–e.g., AOL to Google Chrome).

  1. When you click this link, you will be asked for your email address.  Please enter the email address you would like us to use to contact you about Kiwanis Miracle League opportunities/information.  If you do not have an email address, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator (see below).
  2. With a click, you will be in the SignUp.com web site.

  3.         You’ll be able to view the various game times on all Saturdays in our spring season and sign up to buddy for whatever times fit your schedule.  You can sign up for one hour-long game or multiple games, on the same day or varying dates.  Be sure to provide your cell phone number in the event we cancel a game, due to bad weather, e.g.

  4.          Those signing up through signup.com will NOT need to complete a Volunteer Form as that same information is in the online signup.  Those NOT going through signup.com OR as a member of a group, will need to download the 2025 Volunteer & Release form from this web site (read further down on this page), download, complete, scan; and email to  burchhr@aol.com or bring it to the ballpark on the day you volunteer.  If you completed a volunteer form for a previous season, you will need to complete another for 2025.  If you complete a 2025 form for the Spring Season, you won’t need to complete an additional form for the Fall Season.

5.            Signing in on game day is also available using a handy QR code at the ballpark.

 6.          Again, if you are signing up via signup.com, you will see that our waiver/release form has been built into the signup.com system.  You do not need to complete a separate form/waiver.

 7.          SignUp.com will send you an email confirming your signup AND a reminder two days before your selected time.

8.          Take a few minutes to watch our “How to be a Buddy” video (available just a click away on our videos page).

9.          Arrive at the site at least 15 minutes before game time to check in.

10.          There’s plenty of FREE parking.  And, don’t forget, we have a GREAT concession stand that offers all of your ballpark “favorites” at very competitive prices!

 11.          Wear your “Angel in the Outfield” t-shirt from last season/year if you’re a repeat buddy.  (Or wear your organization’s logo shirt if you’re part of a group).  Donations are always welcome for your Angel shirt.

12.          Credit is also available for SILVER CORD HOURS.  Either bring a completed form to the ballpark on game day for our signature or email us with a link to complete the form/approve your hours via your school’s volunteer coordinator.

If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jan Burch at 515.991.1483 or burchhr@aol.com.

If you are part of a group, please have your coordinator contact Jan directly before registering your group.

Come experience the fun…and enjoy your community
service experience!

updated 3.2.25   1:15 pm



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